For the logo's central symbol, I drew inspiration from the iconic eyelashes featured in the makeup of the main character. I stylized the shape and incorporated it into the design alongside typography.

"Huligan" is the name of a local bar in Minsk, which operates as a food restaurant during the day and transforms into a party venue during weekend nights. It's interesting to hear that the bar is located in a former industrial neighborhood that has now become a trendy area with hip bars and restaurants.

Huligan / hoo·li·gan | \ ˈhü-li-gən \ is derived from the word 'Hooligan,' with two 'OO's replaced by a single 'U,' reflecting a transcription from the Russian language. Inspired by Stanley Kubrick's film 'A Clockwork Orange' and its ambitious, unstoppable hooligan characters in a dystopic future, the movie's style and vibe strongly resonate with the aesthetic of Huligan bar.

The slogan 'Hurts. Must' captures the feeling of waking up the next day after a wild party night, yet still having a strong desire to return to Huligan—a bar synonymous with endless fun.